DIY ANTENNA YAGI 3G/HSDPA ( English version )

Previously I had to modify the 2.4 GHz antenna to Support CDMA 1900MHz with pcb induction system  (PCB induction of the search results there are many who use it too). 3G/HSDPA Coverage Area Since not all complete in every area. (including my area which is out of range) can not access 3G/HSDPA services . first find out the distance of closest area we are already 3G/HSDPA coverage service area and hopefully we can know the position of 3G/HSDPA base stations .If information is obtained we will catch the signal 3G/HSDPA using a Yagi antenna 20 Element pointing directed to the BTS.
Materials and equipment needed include:
4.Jig saw
5.cutting pliers
6.Aluminum pipe box w = 12mm H = 20mm L = 110mm
7.Electrical cable diameter copper wire 1.95mm
8.Line telephone box
10.Antenna cable RG-6 length 15m-20m
11.Hot gun glue
12.Antenna clamp
The steps of manufacture as follows:
1.materials required

Telephone line cable box

¢ copper electrical wires 1.95 mm

Plain pcb to taste

Aluminum pipe box w = 12mm H = 20mm L = 110mm
2. From the above ingredients if you want the antenna to work in frequency 2150 MHz is obtained using the following calculation Yagi Calculator Software Version 2.6.5
Yagi design frequency =2150.00 MHz
Wavelength =139 mm
Parasitic elements contacting a square section metal boom 20.00 mm across.
Folded dipole fully insulated from boom
Director/reflector diam =1.95 mm
Radiator diam =1.95 mm
83 mm long at boom position = 30 mm (IT = 31.5 mm)
Single dipole 64 mm tip to tip, spaced 28 mm from reflector at boom posn 58 mm (IT = 22.0 mm)
Folded dipole 66 mm tip to tip, spaced 28 mm from reflector at boom posn 58 mm (IT = 23.0 mm)

The abbreviation “IT” means “Insert To”, it is the construction distance from the element tip to the edge of the boom for through boom mounting
Spacings measured centre to centre from previous element
Tolerance for element lengths is +/- 0 mm
Boom position is the mounting point for each element as measured from the rear of the boom and includes the 30 mm overhang.The total boom length is 1007 mm including two overhangs of 30 mm
The beam’s estimated 3dB beamwidth is 26 deg
A half wave 4:1 balun uses 0.75 velocity factor RG-6 (foam PE) and is 52 mm long plus leads
Measurements are taken from the inside of bends
Folded dipole length measured tip to tip = 66mm
Total rod length =156mm
Centre of rod=78mm
Distance BC=CD=18mm
Distance HI=GF=13mm
Distance HA=GE=36mm
Distance HB=GD=60mm
Distance HC=GC=78mm
Gap at HG=10mm
Bend diameter BI=DF=30mm

If the folded dipole is Considered as a flat plane (see ARRL Antenna Handbook) then its resonant frequency is less than the flat plane algorithm's range of 10:1

3.The calculation obtained as above then peel and cut the electric cable according to the size of the copper wire above

4. drill pipe as a boom box with distance reflector, RADIATOR AND DIRECTOR mentioned above to be reckoned antenna
5.Cuting pcb the size of the entry into the cable box telephone. exfoliate the center line a distance of 10mm folded dipole. gap distance corresponding holes on the edges give

6. Create RADIATOR Folded dipole according to the size and solder on the PCB that has been made

7. materials are assembled now ready

8.Assembly 20 elements to the boom in order of size on the calculation and the key elements with small pieces of the outer layer of the cable. And glue so does not change the size of the height of the boom.
9.Make antenna balun of RG-6 cable and solder on a folded dipole RADIATOR

10.Assembly telephone line box at the bottom of the Boom. And screw in securely
11.Replace the existing pcb balun Radiator and telephone line in the box was then screw in the hole pcb. Next soldering the antenna cable as directed on Contruction balun

12.Close with cover telephone line cable box that previously had made the hole to the right with the cable and the antenna radiator element

And glue with hot glue gun or glue in the holes to be impervious to rain water
13.Making 3G/HSDPA Yagi antenna has been completed and can be linked with the usb modem through a pigtail cable connection which I have described previously How to make your own pigtail cable

14.Instalation yagi antenna on the pole and navigate to the base stations your area of ​​covered 3G/HSDPA.IF certainly want to get maximum results try any antenna is not obstructed. Thus the addition of the signal obtained maximal.Connect antenna cable to the usb modem 3G/HSDPA via cable pigtail or PCB induction
Pict Result tested:

Antenna mast height of approximately 5 meter.And pointing toward the corner of the search base stations are very influential when the shear signal drops to 30 degrees while pointing direction slowly so that it can be the result of maximal
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Created By:

Heru DA..
Admin :


Below is a guide explaining how to make your own pigtail cable.
Equipment needed to make a pigtail cable, among others:
  1. Cutting pliers
  2. Cutter
  3. Tin
  4. Solder
  5. Shrink Cable Isolator
  6. Pc Power Supply cord socket (female)
  7. Copper pipe length 15mm and diameter of 3mm
  8. Antenna cable length of 300 mm - 500 mm
  9. BNC jack
Here are examples of components

PC power supply cable (female)

copper pipe length 15mm and diameter of 3mm

BNC Conector

Antenna Cable

Shrink Cable Isolator (if heated with a soldering iron will shrink)
Here are the steps to create pigtail cable as below:
1. Take the pin from the power supply cord Pc like fig below

2. Next cut the cable pin PC power supply and insert into the copper pipe right in the middle

3. Soldering the pins are marked with arrows merah.Maka will be like the picture below

4. Exfoliate antenna cable with a cutter to be like this

5. Cut the cable outer layer of small cable (which fits into the power supply pin pc) is as an insulator for antenna wire was not short-circuit to ground / pipe socket and also so that the antenna cables really are in the middle inside the pipe when inserted into the measuring pigtail.copper wire inside the pipe appears only 2mm from the end of the pipe so that the copper wire is not too go into the antenna socket usb modem.see picture below

6. Next insert antenna cable into the pipe

7. Cut any remaining antenna cable that comes from pipa.Solder ground wires to the pipe if necessary, Then Put Shrink insulator (heated solder will contract) to the antenna cable as following figure

8. Rub with solder and shrink insulators are so firmly attached to the antenna cable and pipeline

9.Assembly BNC Conector or can use the other conector on the end of the cable antenna

10. And the result of making Pigtail cable would appear bleak picture below

11. homemade pigtail cable ready to be connected with external antenna cable through female conector
For how to manufacture Yagi antenna HSDPA support will be written separately HERE

Pictured above during pigtail cable modem connected by USB Huawei E156G
If having trouble finding copper pipe can be used as the assembling of the following alternative uses only pin PC power supply cables.

Next wrap the connection with Shrink Isolator
Hopefully with this short guide HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN CABLE pigtail above may be useful
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Created By:

Heru DA.
Admin :


Yang sebelumnya saya pernah memodifikasi antenna kaleng 2,4Ghz menjadi antenna Support CDMA 1900Mhz dengan system pcb induksi ( dari hasil penelusuran Pcb induksi alhamdullilah ternyata banyak yang memakainya juga ).
Karena Coverage Area 3G/HSDPA belum semuanya menyeluruh disetiap wilayah.(termasuk wilayah saya yang diluar jangkauan )otomatis tidak bisa akses Layanan 3G/HSDPA tersebut.Gimana kita bisa menikmati layanan tersebut sedangkan wilayah kita belum termasuk wilayah 3G/HSDPA.terlebih dulu kita mencari tahu jarak daerah terdekat kita yang sudah tercoverage area layanan 3G/HSDPA syukur-syukur kita bisa tahu posisi BTS 3G/HSDPA terdekat.Jika informasi sudah didapat kita akan menangkap signal 3G/HSDPA tersebut menggunakan antenna Yagi 20 Element.yang diarahkan ke BTS tersebut.
Bahan-bahan dan peralatan yang diperlukan antara lain:
3.Lem alteco
5.Tang potong
6.Pipa almunium kotak w = 12mm H = 20mm L = 110mm
7.Kabel listrik diameter kawat tembaga 1.95mm
8.Kotak Line telephone
9.Pcb Polos
10.Kabel Antenna RG-6 panjang 15m-20m
11.Lem Hot Gun (Glue)
12.Klem antenna
Adapun langkah-langkah pembuatannya sebagai berikut:]
1.Siapkan bahan-bahan yang diperlukan
Kotak kabel line telephone
Kabel listrik ¢ tembaga 1,95mm
Pcb Polos secukupnya
Pipa alumunium kotak w = 12mm H = 20mm L = 110mm
2. Dari bahan-bahan diatas jika ingin antenna bekerja dijalur frekwensi 2150 Mhz maka didapat perhitungan sebagai berikut menggunakan software Yagi Calculator Versi 2.6.5
Yagi design frequency =2150.00 MHz
Wavelength =139 mm
Parasitic elements contacting a square section metal boom 20.00 mm across.
Folded dipole fully insulated from boom
Director/reflector diam =1.95 mm
Radiator diam =1.95 mm
83 mm long at boom position = 30 mm (IT = 31.5 mm)
Single dipole 64 mm tip to tip, spaced 28 mm from reflector at boom posn 58 mm (IT = 22.0 mm)
Folded dipole 66 mm tip to tip, spaced 28 mm from reflector at boom posn 58 mm (IT = 23.0 mm)

The abbreviation "IT" means "Insert To", it is the construction distance from the element tip to the edge of the boom for through boom mounting
Spacings measured centre to centre from previous element
Tolerance for element lengths is +/- 0 mm
Boom position is the mounting point for each element as measured from the rear of the boom and includes the 30 mm overhang.The total boom length is 1007 mm including two overhangs of 30 mm
The beam's estimated 3dB beamwidth is 26 deg
A half wave 4:1 balun uses 0.75 velocity factor RG-6 (foam PE) and is 52 mm long plus leads
Measurements are taken from the inside of bends
Folded dipole length measured tip to tip = 66mm
Total rod length =156mm
Centre of rod=78mm
Distance BC=CD=18mm
Distance HI=GF=13mm
Distance HA=GE=36mm
Distance HB=GD=60mm
Distance HC=GC=78mm
Gap at HG=10mm
Bend diameter BI=DF=30mm
If the folded dipole is considered as a flat plane (see ARRL Antenna Handbook) then its resonant frequency is less than the flat plane algorithm's range of 10:1
3.Setelah didapat perhitungan seperti diatas selanjutnya kelupas kabel listrik dan potong kawat tembaganya sesuai ukuran diatas
4.Selanjutnya Bor pipa Kotak alumunium yang sebagai boom sesuai jarak REFLECTOR,RADIATOR DAN DIRECTOR yang disebutkan diperhitungan antenna diatas
5.Potong Pcb Polos .ukuran sesuaikan bisa masuk ke kotak kabel line telephone.dan kelupas bagian tengahnya dengan jarak 10mm sesuai jarak gap folded dipole.dan beri lubang pada bagian tepinya
6. Buat RADIATOR Folded dipole sesuai ukuran dan solder pada Pcb yang telah dibuat
7.Sebagian bahan-bahan yang dirangkai sekarang sudah siap
8.Masukan 20 elemen DIRECTOR ke boom sesuai urutan ukuran pada perhitungan dan kunci elemen dengan potongan kecil lapisan kabel bagian luar. Dan lem dengan lem alteco agar tidak berubah ukuran tingginya terhadap boom.
9.Buat balun dari kabel antenna RG-6 Dan solder pada RADIATOR folded dipole

10.Pasang kotak line telephone bagian bawah pada Boom. Dan sekerup dengan kencang
11. Pasang pcb yang sudah ada Radiator dan balunnya pada kotak line telephone tadi lalu sekerup pada lubang pcbnya. Selanjutnya solder kabel antenanya sesuai petunjuk pada konruksi balun

12.kemudian tutup dengan tutup kotak kabel line telephone yang sebelumnya sudah di buat lubang agar tepat dengan kabel antenna dan elemen radiator
Dan lem dengan lem hot gun atau glue pada lubang-lubangnya agar kedap terhadap air hujan
13. Pembuatan antenna Yagi 3G/HSDPA telah selesai dan bisa dihubungkan dengan usb modem melalui sambungan kabel pigtail yang sebelumnya telah saya jelaskan bagaimana cara membuatkabel pigtail sendiri.

14.Pasang Antenna yagi pada tiang dan arahkan ke BTS yang dekat dengan wilayah anda yang tentunya tercover jaringan 3G/HSDPA.Jika ingin mendapatkan hasil yang maximal usahakan antenna tidak terhalang apapun. Sehingga didapat penambahan signal yang maximal.
Saat usb modem tanpa antenna No signal 3G/HSDPA
Hasil memakai antenna diatas
Ketinggian Antenna sekitar 5 meter.dan pointing sudut pencarian arah Bts sangat berpengaruh saat di geser 30 derajat signal turun jadi saat pointing arah pelan-pelan saja supaya dapat hasil yang maximal
koneksi dari antena external ke modem bisa menggunakan kabel pigtail atau Pcb induksi.jika memakai pcb induksi modem diletakan diatas pcb induksinya.atau bisa juga memakai sistem kabel induksi yang dibuat tali simpul.
PCB induktor antenna,Tepi kabel + antenna dan tengah ground. 
Koneksi modem menggunakan kabel induksi yang dibuat tali simpul seperti dibawah ini


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